Tennessee Trout Release

Follow crews from the Dale Hollow National Fish Hatchery as they stock inner city waterways with food and fun.

Hi friends… Welcome to the Wild Side… I’m Ezekiel Hall…Fishing for fun is a sport families have embraced for generations. But in an ongoing pandemic, “catch and release” is frequently changing to “catch and keep”. Hard working hatchery experts all across the state are up to the task… keeping even the inner city waterways amply supplied.

The hatcheries in Tennessee stock millions of fish on a regular basis. But, despite many locations hosting double the number of those normally fishing, the supply is still meeting the demand.

Episode 3905

Dale Hollow National Fish Hatchery (fws.gov)

Nashville District > Locations > Lakes > J. Percy Priest Lake (army.mil)

Nashville TN Cedar Hill Lake – Tennessee Community Fishing Lakes – TWRA (gofishtennessee.com)

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Jackson Foundation

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