Ridges to Rivers Tennessee Aquarium

Come along and experience some of the world's most beautiful fish living in Tennessee waters.

In Journalism 101, you are taught to find out “who, what, when, where, how and why.

In this story… beautiful, native fish in a new exhibit are the “what.” “When” is right now… and “where” is the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga.

Planning is the “how.” And the “why” is to inspire us to be better stewards of our rivers and streams.

But none of it could have happened without the “who.”

Some of those spectacular species of fish were found in the Tellico River in the mountain region of East Tennessee.

Not only is the stream a great natural habit for underwater wildlife… the river and surrounding area are also pretty popular with people.

Episode 4202

Tennessee Aquarium · Chattanooga Attractions • IMAX Movies (tnaqua.org)

The Jackson Foundation


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Jackson Foundation

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Rockwater TV