Equine Eventing

See how an extreme and seemingly elite equestrian sport is becoming possible for more people.

Hi Friends, Welcome to the Wild Side…I’m Steve Hall  

When you are raised in a home where service to others is worth the sacrifice, it can set you up for success.  

The owner of C.A. Eventing in Ashland City is the daughter of a U-S Congressman, retired Army Major, and physician…but she is also educated, trains diligently, and is an accomplished and successful equestrian… in her own right.  

It’s a lifestyle she offers others without judging their age, income, or social status.

In addition to the show jumping arena, Stony River Farm also has a dressage arena and cross country course… as well as other amenities.  

Cathryn Alexa has won many awards over the years including gold and bronze medals.

Episode 3910

C. A. Eventing (caeventing.com)

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Jackson Foundation

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Rockwater TV