A love of the outdoors is what brought Anne Goetze to the unique Williamson Country town of Leipers Fork. It’s the country living…the backroads, barns, wild beauty, and good neighbors that made her stay. But what makes her Wild Side worthy, as Wild Side Guide Terry Bulger discovered, is her passion for preserving Tennessee’s natural beauty through painting.
You can learn more about Anne and see more of her work on her website, www.annegoetze.com/ Anne is a true steward of the land and shows the power of a paintbrush in the right hands. She considers the great Dorothea Lange, who documented in photos the farms and people of the 1930’s and the Depression Era, to be her artistic mentor. Whether it is abroad or inspirations from home, her images transform into passionate artistic statements. Influenced by the Impressionists, she works in oil preferring plein air. Anne also combines black and white photography with painting using an old technique and concept she likes to call oilograph. She is an artist always pursuing the fleeting moments of time and participating in the unique effects of the natural environment.