Wild Side Gourmet: Sautéed Sauger

Our Wild Side Gourmet Tom Pardue and his lovely wife Miss Phyllis share a recipe for savory sauger.

Wild Side Gourmet Tom Pardue is a good man to know. You know what they say, be sure to make friends with the chef! Today Tom and Miss Phyllis serve up some savory sauger.


sauger fillets
olive oil
white wine

Wash sauger fillets thoroughly and pat dry. Season to taste with salt and pepper.  In a large pan or skillet, heat equal parts butter and oil (about 3 tablespoons each) until hot.

Place sauger fillets in oil and butter mixture. Cook the fish for 2-3 minutes, turning occasionally, until the meat is firm and flaky. The actual cooking time will depend on the thickness of the fillets.

Just before serving, add 1/2 cup of white wine and simmer briefly. (The wine is optional; chicken or vegetable stock can be used as a substitute.)  Serve hot with rice and steamed vegetables.

From show 2502.

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